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Play Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon (PLAYSTATION) For Free!

Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon in your online Playstation Emulator


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SPYRO: Year of the Dragon marks Spyro's third PlayStation game, and the little fellow keeps getting into deeper and deeper jams. In this 3D adventure he's determined to retrieve 150 eggs that the evil Sorceress has stolen from Dragonworld. To survive, Spyro is going to have to utilize all of his signature moves along with several he's recently picked up, like the ability to control vehicles like tanks, submarines, and speedboats. SPYRO: Year of the Dragon continues the trend of ultra-fun but non-violent action games featuring the lovable oversized lizard, but unlike most non-violent games this one has plenty to offer all game fans. As an extra bonus, you have the option to choose from a wacky cast of characters: Sheila, the kangaroo; Sergeant Byrd, the flying penguin; Bentley, the Yeti; and Agent 9, the space monkey.

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