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Play Chessmaster II (PLAYSTATION) For Free!

Chessmaster II in your online Playstation Emulator


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Chess is one of the oldest board games on Earth; even the Egyptians played an early form of it. Now, chess comes to the PlayStation with THE CHESSMASTER II. Choose from 24 animated chess sets, including Mycenae, Egyptian, Isle of Lewis, and Stanton. Try to checkmate your friends, or challenge one of the 64 computer opponents (each with a different style of play and varying degrees of skill), or try to beat one of the 30 Grandmaster profiles. You’ll never miss an opening in the 3D mode, since you can rotate the camera to any angle you want. Or, if you prefer, play on a flat 2D board. THE CHESSMASTER II brings the thrills and challenges of chess to life.

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