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Play 102 Dalmatians Puppies to the Rescue (PLAYSTATION) For Free!

102 Dalmatians Puppies to the Rescue in your online Playstation Emulator


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102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue is a videogame based on the live-action Disney movie 102 Dalmatians. It made its debut in 2000 on the Sega Dreamcast and Sony PlayStation. The game itself follows the films' storyline loosely. The player can choose the role of one of two dalmatians, Oddball or Domino, who are out in the backyard looking for treasure. Each level has its own individual tasks—completing a chore, defeating a henchmen, solving a puzzle, etc. -- which will also grant stickers. There are six stickers per a level, excluding Cruella levels, which combine together with mini games for their own sticker image. Puppies to the Rescue is a 3-dimensional game with the ability to angle the camera in whichever direction will make it easiest to navigate for you. The player must bark at toys to short-circuit them, or roll into them to smash them. Checkpoints within a level are places where the player will be sent back if you lose a life, and are marked by a parrot named Waddlesworth. Completing each of the Cruella levels will unlock a mini game to play, like golf and chess.

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