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Play Gangster Town (SMS) For Free!

Gangster Town in your online Sega Master System Emulator


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The time is the wild 1920's. The place is a great American city that has been taken over by rampant crime. The corruption is led by cruel and cunning gangsters who have let fear and destruction loose in the city. You are the only hope for law and order to return. As a member of the FBI, you wear the badge of the bravest. Your mission: rid the city of these thugs. Armed with your machine gun and plenty of courage, you're dedicated to making gangsters a thing of the past. But it won't be easy. The streets are riddles with gunfire, the local nightclubs are now criminal hang-outs, and the waterfront's docks are in the grip of the most menacing crime-lover, Big Boss. It's you or them - good luck, you'll need it!

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