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Play The Flintstones Burgertime in Bedrock (GBC) For Free!

The Flintstones Burgertime in Bedrock in your online Gameboy Color Emulator


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The restaurant business meets prehistoric times in this combination of classic video gaming and old-fashioned cartoon mayhem. Mr. Slate has purchased himself a Brontoburger chain, and Fred has been saddled with the unenviable task of playing chef. It seems that the restaurant has come with a pre-existing problem, though: pests! Run from counter to counter, trying to build sandwiches for the hungry customers, avoiding attacks from the flying beasties all the while. Interestingly, the kitchen is also outfitted with a bunch of platforms and ladders which means you'll have your share of climbing to tackle as well. Lose all of your lives and you're out of a job (resulting in more time at home with the ingratiating Bam-Bam). The graphics and humor are perfect representations of the original cartoon, and the game plays much like the coin-operated BURGERTIME. Play alone or use a link cable to hook up with a friend to see who has the fastest food preparation skills in Bedrock.

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