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Play Lara Croft Tomb Raider Legend (GBA) For Free!

Lara Croft Tomb Raider Legend in your online Gameboy Advance Emulator


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The GBA version of Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Legend is a side-scrolling platform game more similar to the DS version instead of the 3D console versions by a different development studio. Unlike the previous GBA game in the series, a side view is used instead of more titled, overhead camera perspective. Lara can also jump, attack with her guns, and she needs to swing to new platforms, avoid obstacles and take out enemies and animals in her way. Timing and precision is essential to reach platforms, much like the early Prince of Persia games. New guns are collected when enemies drop them, but this does not change the sprite of the weapon Lara is holding. There are also a number of vehicle sequences where Lara is driving a bike.

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